You schedule a time for photography
call or text 919-656-2477
average of two hours required for a 3500-sq-ft house, but depends on the number of photos desired and size of house
I take the photos
typically a minimum of 30 photos for the MLS, but the number of photos can vary depending on your needs
I edit the photos
usually in 24 hours or less
emphasis on creating spaces that appear sharp, bright and clean (see my samples on the home page)
I return the edited photos to you
sent to you attached to an email message or available in a Dropbox folder
ready for upload to the MLS or other online location
option: print-ready versions
I send an invoice to your email address
pay by credit card or check
Q: Why should I hire a professional photographer?
A: If you're selling a property, you want the most-attractive photos you can get. Good photography attracts more attention. Bad photography discourages buyers from considering a property. People are far less likely to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a property if their first impression is negative.
Q: What does good real-estate photography look like?
A: There is so much bad photography on the MLS that we've come to accept it. Here are some attributes of good real-estate photography:
Vertical lines are truly vertical (parallel to the edges of the photo). If the vertical lines are not truly vertical, the photo creates the psychological impression that the property is poorly constructed and in the process of falling down.
Rooms appear bright and clean. The artificial lighting in most houses often makes them appear drab in photos. For example, typical incandescent lighting can cast a strong orange glow that masks the true colors in a room. Good photography reveals true colors and can make a room pop.
You can see through windows. Providing a view of the outside space helps make interior spaces appear larger and create a positive impression of the property's location.
Q: Why does the photography take two hours (on average)?
A: I take multiple shots at each location. Some shots use only the available light in the room (ambient light), and some shots use a flash. Also, I usually take more shots than are required so you have options. For example, I might take three shots of a major room, such as a kitchen, from different angles so you can choose your favorite(s).
Q: How should the property be prepared for photography?
A: Some people hire staging professionals, but homeowners can do a perfectly adequate job on their own. In general, the less clutter the better. See my advice here.
Q: What rooms in a house do you photograph?
A: I photograph all of the major rooms, including the living room, dining room, kitchen, library, office, bonus room, bedrooms, full bathrooms, laundry rooms and walk-in closets. I typically do not photograph small closets, half-bathrooms, garages, attics, and basements. Of course, anything can be changed. If a walk-in closet is very cluttered, we can bypass it. If a basement or garage has a workshop, we might include it.
Q: Why does it take 24 hours to get the photos back?
A: I do extensive editing to every shot to ensure that all photos appear sharp and bright. In my computer software, I blend the ambient-light-only shots with the flashed shots to get the best of both versions. In that process, I brighten dark areas, enhance colors, straighten vertical lines and a lot more.
Q: Can you remove items, such as TV cables, from the photos?
A: In many cases, I can edit photos to remove distracting objects. If the objects are small and appear against a plain background, such as a wall or floor, I can remove them easily. I do not charge extra for this minor editing.
Q: What if the weather is dreary or the sun is shining from the wrong direction at the time of the shoot?
A: Sunlight shining on the front of the house is always preferable, but we don't always have that luxury. If the sky is overcast, in the editing phase, I will add a different sky with some blue to make the photo more cheery. If sunlight is coming from an unfortunate direction, I will lighten shadows so important features of the house are not lost.
Q: What if I, the customer, want changes to the photos after they are sent to me?
A: I'm happy to make minor edits free of charge. If you require additional photos, we can negotiate a return visit.